Loving Someone Who Can’t Do Anything for You

In searching for the love I knew I needed to give myself first, I created a woman that didn’t need anything from anybody else, and that allowed me to find someone who doesn’t need me either.

To the Man Who’s Shedding His Soul

I hope you find freedom in this love I have so preciously been granted to feel for you, but more than anything, I hope you find freedom in yourself.


I was 13 years old when a group of teenage boys drove down the road of a suburban street in Texas, rolled down the windows and shouted those words. The End of My Innocence I was playing basketball in shorts and a t-shirt on my driveway, which was something I did often because, despite being…

The Gypsy Castle on the Cliffs of Ibiza

“I’m going to take you to the gypsy castle.” That’s how this story started. We were trailing behind a young French guy in his early 20s, suffocating from the stench of his body odor that the sea breeze blew back into our faces. “But we can go with you, right?” My friend asked. “No,” the…

Que Significa Colombia Para Mí

Puedo decir con certeza y toda la pasión en mi corazón que Colombia es realmente mágica y que hay magia en estas montañas, en esta cultura y en la gente. 

They Gave Me the Wrong Human Suit

You see, I was born with this condition. I don’t talk about it much because there’s no turning the situation around. I was born human. And, to be born human is to be born with a suit of flesh that covers the most beautiful parts of our soul. It’s never felt right, this human suit…

Tears of Gratitude

I’m sure one day I will find a more productive way to physically express the beauty of this human phenomenon, but for now, I’m okay with my tears of gratitude. 

The Thai Police Man and the French Fry

It was then, with one French fry and a kiss, that I really learned about the law and what governs our hearts when they’re unchained from all of these man-made rules.